Losing It - After a Day at the Beach Page 2
“We can be, but you can't instantly go from being in love to being friends.”
He seemed to flinch at the mention of the word love.
We drove in silence for a good five minutes, then he rubbed the edge of his right eye. “He got me good. I think it's swelling up already.”
I loosened my seat belt so I could lean over and look. We were so close, so I just flat-out kissed him on the side of his face, below the edge of his eyebrow.
“Better?” I said.
He smiled. “A little.”
I unlatched my seat belt and shimmied over to the edge of my bucket seat, then I kissed him some more, starting at the eyebrow and all the way down the side of his face.
In response, he put on the turn signal, and took the next road off the highway.
I kept kissing him, and he pulled over and put on the brake and killed the lights, leaving the engine running so the heater would keep going.
Now he was kissing me, full-on, and it was perfect, because he kissed the way only Jason could. His kisses sent signals to every part of my body, signals to keep kissing him, even if the whole world was exploding around us.
I reached for the crotch of his shorts, feeling bold because of the alcohol still in my system. He jumped in surprise when I grabbed the thick hardness.
“You don't have to,” he said.
“I want to.”
Before he changed his mind, I started to unbutton and unzip his camouflage-patterned swimming trunks. I'd felt his penis before, but always through clothes. That was one of his rules. We could take off our shirts, and we'd even grind against each other, but we knew that unzipping led to sex, and neither of us had felt ready. Besides, the other stuff was already so enjoyable, and I was pretty sure he was cumming in his jeans some of those times. He wouldn't tell me, but he was always excusing himself right after, and I pretended not to know.
Tonight, though, was different. There was nothing to wait for, because our relationship had already ended. There was no future special date, no spectacular event in a hotel room, with roses and candles. It was just the two of us, in his Jeep, on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.
He pushed a lever to move his seat back, away from the steering column. I got the shorts unzipped, and immediately sunk my fingernails into something pink and fleshy.
I jerked my hands back. “Oh my god, did I hurt you?”
He chuckled softly and said I hadn't. He shifted around in the seat, pulling his swimming shorts all the way down and off, and then removing his T-shirt as well. There he was. Completely naked. His pubic hair was almost as blond as the hair on his head, but curly. Of course I'd seen men's parts before, but only in pictures. This was different.
I'd known Jason for so long, and I guess in my head, he was like a Ken doll, smooth down there, but this thing seemed to spring out of nowhere like a friend of his I'd not yet met—a friend that he now seemed very eager to introduce me to.
I leaned over and kissed it hello right on its head.
Jason chuckled.
I stuck my tongue out and licked across the end of it.
Jason sucked in air audibly and stopped chuckling.
He tasted salty, probably from swimming in the ocean, and my mouth watered. I licked it some more, and there was a small amount of bitterness around the tiny hole, but the taste was good, like pretzels. I opened my mouth wider and took him in.
His cock felt pleasing in my mouth, like sucking a giant thumb.
I remembered all the things I'd read in magazines, and tried to recall what to do next. I used one hand to grab it around the base. He was pointing straight up, and my cheek was against Jason's stomach, so I used my hand to point his cock away from his torso and get my mouth around it more easily.
Actually, I don't know how much the stuff I'd read actually helped, because what I did next seemed to come naturally.
He got harder and harder, and I just played with him, exploring the length of his cock with my mouth and lips. I kissed it as I would his lips, and I slid him in and out of my mouth, then swirled my tongue around the tip, softly, then firmly.
Suddenly, he pushed me away.
I sat up, wide-eyed. “Did I do it wrong? Am I hurting you?”
He ducked his head and looked embarrassed. “Not that. The opposite.”
“Oh!” I stared down at his erection. The pink skin was gleaming by the glow of the dash light, my spit all over it.
“You can do some more in a minute,” he said.
To pass the time, I changed channels on the radio, looking around for something romantic. I kept sneaking a peek over at his cock, seeing if it changed at all. After a few minutes, it softened a bit, leaning to one side.
“Ready?” I said.
“Wait. I feel bad. You're doing this for me, and I'm not able to do anything for you. Even if you took your clothes off, this Jeep is so small, I don't know if I could ...”
“Lick my pussy?”
He gasped. “I've never heard you say that word.”
I shrugged. “Maybe I should say it more often.” I leaned over and dragged my tongue up the side of his face. “Pussy,” I whispered in his ear.
He groaned and squirmed in his seat. I noticed that his cock was as hard as ever, so I said, “My pussy is so wet for you. My pussy is hot and wet and wants your big cock.”
He laughed nervously.
We kissed for a few minutes, and this time I put my hand on his cock, alternating between squeezing the warm shaft and touching all up and down the length with my fingertips.
“How do you jerk off?” I asked.
He wrapped his hand around mine and moved it up and down, pulling the skin.
“Doesn't that hurt? You're pulling the skin.”
“Nah, it feels good.”
I laughed. “I'll take your word for it.”
My body felt strange and weightless, and within my panties, it felt like my pussy was swollen, the lips double their size. The seam of my shorts was really bothering me, so I unfastened the button and took the shorts off, so I was only in my panties. I took off my jacket, but left my shirt on.
“Aw, those are cute,” Jason said of my panties with the paisley pattern on them.
“Don't you aw-cute me,” I said, and I dove down into his lap again, dragging my lips down his cock as I took him in my mouth.
We went for a little longer this time before he pushed me away, grimacing and panting.
I shrugged and said, “I guess you could cum in my mouth, right? I don't know if I could swallow it. What does it taste like?”
He seemed embarrassed. “How should I know!?”
“Well don't you ever put a little bit of it in your mouth? I've tasted the wet stuff that comes out of my girl-parts.”
Now he dove down and buried his chin between my thighs, his cheeks tickling me. “Girl-parts?” he muttered into my flesh. “You mean your pussy.” He breathed out onto my mound, through my panties. “Mmm, pussy.”
I arched my back and let my legs pull apart. “Oh, Jason, that feels so good.”
He reached around me and pressed the button to push my seat back, and folded the back part down as far as it could go, so I was partly reclining.
Still leaning over me, he pulled the hem of my panties to the side and dragged his fingertips up the center of me, between my swollen, wet pussy lips.
It felt so good, I thought I would die if he stopped.
He put his lips down to my mound, licking and kissing me, while his left arm was between my legs, his fingertips exploring me.
I moaned and started breathing heavily. I'd touched myself before, but it was nothing like this.
He found a sensitive spot and flicked with his tongue. I gasped and arched my back more, raising my hips from my seat. He slid a finger inside me, and I stopped breathing. My heart was pounding. That finger felt so wrong, so forbidden, but so good.
He lifted up his head and turned to look me in the eyes.
There he was, my beautiful Jason that I loved with all of my heart. He'd be going away to college, half-way across the country, and we had almost no time left.
He slid the finger in and out, like he had complete and utter control over my body. I shuddered with pleasure.
“Let's have sex,” I said.
He added another finger, and moved his thumb to be over my clit, stroking and pressing down. The gentle pressure of the pad of his thumb was incredible.
“Jason, I want you.”
“How's this? I want to make you cum. I want to see your beautiful face when you cum.”
“Okay. Just, um, keep doing that. But a little faster. And the licking was nice, but you don't have to. I mean, it's kind of awkward in the vehicle.”
He nodded, and dove down immediately. His tongue slid along my pussy, and he kept his mouth there as he adjusted his position in the Jeep, propping his lower half up with one knee on his seat. I could see his cock from where I lay, could see it was still full and hard, shiny on the top.
Warmth and a buzzing tingle fanned out from my pussy where he was stroking me with his tongue and fingers. I closed my eyes and surrendered to the feeling.
I started to cum, and I thought maybe I needed to warn him, but he seemed to know. He still had his face over my pussy, breathing hot air onto my mound, but it was mostly his thumb applying the consistent pressure. He thrust the fingers that were inside me, and I felt my muscles grasp onto them. He kept swirling his thumb steadily over my clit, and I was cumming.
I moaned and arched my back so I could get my legs closer to straight and point my toes. The orgasm spread all throughout my body, all the way to the back of my head and the spaces between my teeth. I whimpered as I relaxed, aware of the muscle pulses inside me, gripping Jason's fingers.
He kept rubbing, and I had to push his hand away, as I'd become too sensitive to touch for a moment.
He returned to sitting in his chair on the driver's side, one hand resting on my hip.
“That was amazing,” he said. “I don't know why we never tried that before.”
I laughed, embarrassed now and wanting to get my shorts back on. My panties were all stretched out to the side. I pulled them back in place and then wriggled back into my shorts.
I turned to the side, pulling my knees up under me, and leaned over to his side. I was moving toward him, to return the favor, but he covered himself with his hands.
I pulled at his hands. “Don't be shy. Gimme. I want your big, fat cock in my mouth.”
He laughed. “Calm down, sex machine. I think that's enough for one night.”
Some headlights appeared in the distance—a vehicle was headed our way.
Jason swore and scrambled to get his shirt and swim trunks back on. Seconds later, he was buttoned up and we looked innocent enough. The car approached, the older couple in the vehicle craning their necks to get a look.
The vehicle stopped and the man driving rolled down his window. I slumped in my seat, covering my face with my hand, certain they'd be able to spot my post-orgasmic smile from a mile away.
The man said, “Engine trouble?”
Jason flicked on the lights and put the Jeep in gear, rolling it ahead by a few inches. “No problem, sir. Just had a contact lens issue, but it's all taken care of now.”
The man called out, louder, “You okay, miss? He treating you right?”
I pulled my hand away from my face and waved at them. “Everything's fine, thanks for asking.”
The man nodded and gestured to the road ahead of him. “I suggest you two be getting on home, then.”
Jason chuckled and turned the wheel, pulling out and doing a U-turn, then passing the other vehicle and heading back to the highway.
Giggling, I said, “They seemed nice.”
“I'm glad they didn't come along a few minutes earlier.”
“Or a few minutes later.”
Jason pulled up in front of my house.
“All the lights are off,” he said.
“Everyone's away. My sisters took them on a trip, up to the lake, and I stayed behind to look after the cat.”
Jason gave me a knowing look. “You mean your cat who's content to be left alone for a week with a big bowl of food?”
“He gets lonely.”
“So you have the place to yourself,” he mused.
I swallowed hard. “You should come in.”
“Just for a bit.”
I knew better.
We were only inside for ten minutes before we found ourselves in my bedroom, on my bed, both of our shirts off. He ground against my hips, his hardness a thick rod between us.
I pulled the condom from my pocket and handed it to him. “We should have sex.”
He frowned. “Were you planning to use this with that Andy guy? Wait, are you still a ...”
“Relax. I'm still a virgin, yes. And maybe I would have done it with Andy, if you hadn't come along. I hadn't planned for it, but one of the girls at the party was handing these out.”
“It's fate.” I reached down and squeezed him through his shorts.
“You should save yourself, for your next boyfriend. Then you two can have that together.”
“Oh, please. Most people our age aren't virgins. Chances are my future boyfriend is out getting laid right now with someone else.”
“But you never know.”
“I've been thinking about this a lot, Jay. I want my first time to be with someone I love, and I know I love you. Maybe after you're done school, we'll be together again. And even if we've been with other people, we'll know we were each other's firsts, and that'll be special.”
He interlinked his hand with mine and stared tenderly at me. Most of his rules were based on logic, and I knew I sounded logical.
I continued, “And if we aren't together, and maybe we fall in love with the next person, we won't have to wonder what it would be like with someone else, because we'd know. And isn't that the point of breaking up? So we have a chance to see other people? Isn't that what you said?”
“Oh, I get it. So we'll be the other people now, compared to future people.”
I slipped my hand down inside his shorts and squeezed him. “I know you want me.”
He inhaled sharply. “I want you so bad.”
“Then what are you waiting for?”
He pulled away and stared down at my crotch. “I'm worried it'll hurt you. Like, you'll bleed, and it'll be terrible for both of us. I've heard that sometimes it can tear and won't stop bleeding for days.”
I shook my head. “Don't worry. I have three older sisters, and they've all told me it didn't hurt for them. Some girls just don't have hymens, or it broke a long time ago on a tampon or whatever.”
He moved one hand back and forth across my stomach.
“Okay, but let me know the moment it starts to hurt.”
“It won't.” I wriggled back out of my shorts and my panties, which were surprisingly still full of sand from the beach.
He pulled his shorts off. His cock was pointing straight up, as hard as ever, and pink like a sunburn. He unwrapped the condom packet carefully and rolled it on and down like an expert.
“You're very good at that.”
“Really? That was terrible. I thought for sure it was going to break.” He fiddled with the loose bubble of latex at the top. “Reservoir tip.”
I giggled and squirmed on the bed.
He crawled up along me and lay on top of me, with his mouth near my breasts and his erection tickling my inner thighs. I loved the weight of him.
“I missed you guys,” he said, burying his face between my breasts as he unfastened my bra.
This made me laugh, and took away some of my nervousness. He rested his ear on my chest, saying, “Your heart is pounding!”
“I'm a little nervous.”
“Let me try something.” He shifted back down the bed and put his face between my legs. My k
nees tried to pull together in modesty, but his whole body was between my legs, so I had no choice but to close my eyes and enjoy.
He murmured, “What's this?”
“My pussy.”
He had better access now that we were out of the cramped Jeep, and he wasted no time licking me up and down. His fingers were there as well, and everything was hot and wet and wonderful, and I honestly couldn't tell what was touching me where.
He pulled away and moved his lean, muscular body up, kissing my stomach and then my breasts.
Something blunt bumped against the opening of my vagina.
Jason groaned, then said, “Your pussy feels so good. I want to be inside you.”
I spread my legs wider to let him in.
I whispered, “Go slow.”
He moaned. “I'll try.”
He mouthed my breast and then caught my nipple between his teeth. A thrill went through my body, making my pussy ache.
I whispered, “Too slow.”
He nudged it in. I made a happy sound and grabbed his ass, pulling his hips against mine.
He nudged in a little further, stretching me around him. I kept waiting, worrying it was going to hurt, worrying I was going to bleed, but so far it felt good. And I wanted more.
I squeezed his ass. “Fuck me,” I said.
He grunted and slid out a little, then in further, with everything slick now from my juices.
“Fuck my pussy,” I said.
He stopped and stared at me. “You don't need to do the dirty talk for my benefit.”
“It's how I feel.”
“Really? You really feel that way?”
“Yes, I want you to fuck my pussy. So hard. I've been waiting for this so long.”
He seemed disappointed, like he'd wanted me to say something about making love.
“I can't,” he said, pulling out. “You're so tight, and I'm hurting you.”
We both stared down at his cock, still wrapped tight with the reservoir tip at the ready.
“Jay, I'm not a little girl anymore. Get on your back.”
He rolled onto his back, looking less certain by the minute.
I threw my leg over and straddled him. I grabbed his cock, positioned myself, and lowered the whole length, until he was completely inside me, completely buried to the hilt.